Kettenhemd Haubergeon Flachring Vernietet 6mm Geölt
Kettenhemd Haubergeon Flachring Vernietet 6mm Geölt
Mild Steel
It is wonderful it seems done for my measurements.
Just a thing it is a bit tight at the lower level of the leg BUT it is normal because I PURPOSELY got this size for a xiv /xvth century mail shirt that some of them were shorter than this model for the envelopment of the leg plastron so I will shorter little untill little Half up of the whist and I will do it triangles that will allow completely the movements. The weight is a 9,3 kg that when I will make this adjustment for the correct lengh of the body and I will remove something for the arms at least at the level of the lover biceps or almost half biceps still do not know… so it will be perfect for the movements of the legs and perfekt for the type of arm armor of that century
With this fixning maybe will weight around 8.5 kg PERFECTLY HISTORICALLY ACCURATE!!!!
It is a must…
Not that I would be using this for real combat, but this maille haubergeon is going to be my new under shirt for my plate harness in HEMA harnischfechten because I CANNOT STAB A RONDEL DAGGER THROUGH IT(or at least without great force). With my original shirt, the rondel would go in a quarter of an inch because the weave was looser. Quarter of an inch would not be good at all for if this was real combat. This 6mm maille shirt is good.